Do I Pull a Republican Ballot March 20?

January 27, 2012

My two year stint as Republican precinct committeeman ends on March 20 (I think) when we in Illinois go to the polls for our primary. Given the realization of the futility involved in attempting to be a conscientious person involved with either major party, I am not running for committeeman again. Further, I have realized that I, not the Mitt Romneys and John McCains, was the RINO (Republican In Name Only). The political equivalent of Silly Putty seems to be more suited to being a Republican than one who has values, truly believes in limited government, and doesn’t believe that our children are our loan guarantors.

I cannot, in good conscience, consider myself a Republican. That said, I seek advice regarding the primary. I and others have railed against open primaries and so-called “independents” voting for the Republican nominee. I had a problem with the idea of liberals voting for the most pleasing-to-liberals candidates in our field of (most often poor) candidates. Others may have only been annoyed that anyone other than a good little party tool participated in the process.

So, on March 20, 2012, what do I do? Do I ask for the non-party ballot? Do I ask for the ballot of the party I used to call my own? My inclination is that I should request the general (or non-party) ballot.  I have several rationales for this inclination. Read the rest of this entry »

Why Societal Squalor?

December 30, 2011

The Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition defines squalor as follows:

“n: the quality or state of being squalid”

Squalid is defined:

“adj 1: filthy or degraded through neglect or poverty 2: SORDID, DEBASED <a~political ploy> – Synonyms: NASTY, FOUL, DIRTY, GRUBBY”

It seems that all definitions and synonyms apply to our society. The average citizen is guilty of neglect. The level of neglect is nurtured and cultivated by so many entities, it may be impossible to recover. Those who profit from encouraging this neglect are evil or ignorant (or some combination).

The squalor is like a snowball on a slope toward hell. It grows as it rolls. We find ourselves enjoying the intoxicant-like effects of the growing squalor while we move farther away from our societal moorings. Politicians, entertainers, educators, and attorneys are perhaps the most guilty facilitators of the squalor. The only question regarding the motives of these groups is whether or not the individual members realize the effects of their actions.

This blog will discuss symptoms of the squalor and will not spare those responsible, regardless of political affiliation or supposed noble intentions.