It Really is “For The Good of Illinois”

June 9, 2012

If you find yourself in a political funk, disappointed by the apparent difference deficit between prominent personnel in the two dominant parties, there may be a way to find relief. I have been in such a state (perhaps, in large part due to my actual state of residence) for quite some time, disgusted by the actions and character failings of too many in political power. Throwing your hands up and accepting defeat is an attractive option, especially in Illinois, where the Democrats rule and the Republicans seem to assist. It is helpful to receive an occasional reminder that all is not necessarily lost. I got such a reminder Thursday evening.

A tireless activist who displays an unbelievable amount of perseverance, Susan Petty, asked me to attend “Save Illinois” banquet hosted by For The Good of Illinois PAC in Effingham. I reluctantly agreed to attend and arrived with very little enthusiasm. I needed a reminder. It didn’t take long to get pumped up. Susan was motoring here and there, making sure everything was in order. I saw new State Representative Brad Halbrook (new IL-110, current IL-109) and recalled the victory of the people over the entrenched double-dipping tax hiker Roger Eddy. I also saw Sen. Kyle McCarter (IL-51) and was reminded of the failed attempt by the establishment to send my current Sen. John O. Jones (IL-54) to take out the wave-making McCarter. Read the rest of this entry »

Women and Victim Politics: Democrats Think You Are Stupid

June 6, 2012

Democrat dingle-berries want you women to know that they are there for you! Of course, there are a few disclaimers that should be attached in fine print at or near the bottom of their official declaration that their opposition is at war with you:

  1. We reserve the right to pivot to a different priority victim group at any time due current events real or manufactured in order to best enhance our standing with the preferred victim group of the moment.
  2. We are indeed insinuating that you are too stupid to think logically and unable to thrive without our omnipotent intervention in your daily lives.
  3. We reserve the right to demonize our political opponents and those nasty proprietors of private business (something which, with your blind support, we can drive from our land) by accusing them of the inequities that exist in our very own staffs.
  4. We do indeed believe that there is no limit to the potential beneficent intrusion of the  federal government in states, private companies, and individual lives, but we require you to believe that it will not adversely affect you as we are on your side.
  5. Any woman who does not believe that her life and livelihood depends solely on the magnanimous action of our federal government is not to be considered a real woman. (Refer to our contract with black people for evidence that we treat dissenters the same regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.)
  6. The DNC, OFA, NARAL Emily’s List, NAACP, SEIU, Planned Parenthood, FFT, Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, NOW, Huffington Post, NBC, CBS, and AFSCME reserve the right to modify this agreement at any time if  polling indicates that greater electoral benefit can be attained by changing direction. This includes but is not limited to changes of 180 degrees if political gain is deemed sufficient. Read the rest of this entry »

Dearest Democrats, Re: Campaign Finance

June 3, 2012

Dearest Democrats,

I am a former Republican who will be voting Republican in the 2012 Presidential Election only due to the magnitude of the damage which may be done at the hands of our first composite President if he gets a second term. (Not that I would ever consider voting for a modern Democrat, but would love to vote for a more honest, constitutionally correct alternative to one of the two primary sources of our nation’s woes.) I shudder to think what the product of no parents, communist indoctrination, and brainwashing at the hands of 60’s hippy terrorists like mentor Bill Ayers might do with the type of “flexibility” he promised Putin. Our nation is not what it was intended to be, but I’ll be damned if Barack Obama is satisfied with the level of statism and government intrusion that we already endure.

I don’t want to get too far off topic, so I will get to it. Your party seems to make a lot of noise regarding campaign finance. Oh, I know there are squishy, “moderate” McCain Republicans who can’t help but to think like Democrats on such matters, as well. Your advocacy for constricting the the supply of campaign cash and in-kind support for your opponents (a.k.a. those who are more likely to follow the Constitution) through federal law and regulation is somewhat disgusting and disingenuous. That is, unless you are open and honest about the fact that you seek to allow unfettered in-kind donations to your candidates while using the federal government to choke off the support of more liberty-minded candidates. Read the rest of this entry »