Pot Heads and Hypocrites for Gary Johnson

October 12, 2012

Notice the sweet Che shirt…. Duuuude!

Like…. Gary Johnson is the man, ya know? I mean he … he gets what really … like matters. Ahhhh- Haaaa-Haaaa. We need to stand up for rights, man… else the man will lock us all up, ya know? All our country’s problems would be… like “Up In Smoke” aaaaaah, aaaaah, get it? If we could just get Gary in … the election, ya know? Man, am I the only one who is like… hungry?

Ah, Libertarians, champions of societal drain and degradation. Gary Johnson is taking his shot at election spoiler and keeping the hopes of pot heads … high.Pot heads want to come “out of the shadows” (perhaps the same shadows as the illegal aliens?) and be able to engage in legal commerce with the dealer of their choice. It is freedom, man. Oh, and we need to legalize it so we can tax and regulate it!

Photo from: http://www.cracked.com/funny-4852-pot-heads/ Read the rest of this entry »

Women and Victim Politics: Democrats Think You Are Stupid

June 6, 2012

Democrat dingle-berries want you women to know that they are there for you! Of course, there are a few disclaimers that should be attached in fine print at or near the bottom of their official declaration that their opposition is at war with you:

  1. We reserve the right to pivot to a different priority victim group at any time due current events real or manufactured in order to best enhance our standing with the preferred victim group of the moment.
  2. We are indeed insinuating that you are too stupid to think logically and unable to thrive without our omnipotent intervention in your daily lives.
  3. We reserve the right to demonize our political opponents and those nasty proprietors of private business (something which, with your blind support, we can drive from our land) by accusing them of the inequities that exist in our very own staffs.
  4. We do indeed believe that there is no limit to the potential beneficent intrusion of the  federal government in states, private companies, and individual lives, but we require you to believe that it will not adversely affect you as we are on your side.
  5. Any woman who does not believe that her life and livelihood depends solely on the magnanimous action of our federal government is not to be considered a real woman. (Refer to our contract with black people for evidence that we treat dissenters the same regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.)
  6. The DNC, OFA, NARAL Emily’s List, NAACP, SEIU, Planned Parenthood, FFT, Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, NOW, Huffington Post, NBC, CBS, and AFSCME reserve the right to modify this agreement at any time if  polling indicates that greater electoral benefit can be attained by changing direction. This includes but is not limited to changes of 180 degrees if political gain is deemed sufficient. Read the rest of this entry »

Dearest Democrats, Re: Campaign Finance

June 3, 2012

Dearest Democrats,

I am a former Republican who will be voting Republican in the 2012 Presidential Election only due to the magnitude of the damage which may be done at the hands of our first composite President if he gets a second term. (Not that I would ever consider voting for a modern Democrat, but would love to vote for a more honest, constitutionally correct alternative to one of the two primary sources of our nation’s woes.) I shudder to think what the product of no parents, communist indoctrination, and brainwashing at the hands of 60’s hippy terrorists like mentor Bill Ayers might do with the type of “flexibility” he promised Putin. Our nation is not what it was intended to be, but I’ll be damned if Barack Obama is satisfied with the level of statism and government intrusion that we already endure.

I don’t want to get too far off topic, so I will get to it. Your party seems to make a lot of noise regarding campaign finance. Oh, I know there are squishy, “moderate” McCain Republicans who can’t help but to think like Democrats on such matters, as well. Your advocacy for constricting the the supply of campaign cash and in-kind support for your opponents (a.k.a. those who are more likely to follow the Constitution) through federal law and regulation is somewhat disgusting and disingenuous. That is, unless you are open and honest about the fact that you seek to allow unfettered in-kind donations to your candidates while using the federal government to choke off the support of more liberty-minded candidates. Read the rest of this entry »

The Choice of Julia

May 20, 2012

A few weeks ago, most of us heard about Julia, a composite character created by the campaign of our composite president (the man is something of a political chameleon, being anything at any time as long as his handlers think it can get a block of votes). Julia’s purpose was to illustrate the benefits of big government inserted into the major stages a woman’s life. Of course, the campaign had to assume that women, or at least those who might be influenced by Julia, are stupid.

Being a composite Obama supporter, one could assume that Julia is “pro-choice.” One could also assume, from reading about Julia, that she never married. No marriage was mentioned in her story, but this could be because marriage does not in itself create the apparent need for big government intervention. Best that Julia keep her options open in today’s squalid society. (Or as a Misfit Politics video tells it, Julia may want to enjoy a same-sex marriage in our brave new world.)

At the age of 31: Read the rest of this entry »

Bowling for Infanticide

March 18, 2012

I admit I am not the most enlightened or sophisticated of men. My wife and I are so backward, we did not pay to have our children killed before they could be born. Still, I think we are better off for the lives we nurtured as opposed to taking the enlightened , sophisticated, Planned Parenthood (or the inaccurately named, Hope Clinic in Granite City, IL) profit building approach to pregnancy. I suppose my lack of sophistication is to blame for the shock I experienced when I saw a tweet advertising the “National Abortion Access Bowl-A-Thon.” I suppose when I followed someone on twitter whose picture reads “I am Dr. Tiller,” I should not be surprised by the depths of depravity I see.

One may learn of this bowl-a-thon and think that it is better that they raise private funds to pay for the slaughter of the innocent than to expect wealth seized from taxpayers to fund the carnage. Of course, those who advocate for abortion “rights” would never think of not seeking the federal government to seize the labor of good people and divert it toward their evil ends. Read the rest of this entry »

Are “Women and Independents” Really as Bad as They Are Portrayed?

March 11, 2012

Whether it is the media, operatives pushing “moderate” candidates, or liberal Democrats (wait, I already mentioned the media) helping their own, “women and independents are sure getting a bad rap. On one hand, the two groups are built up as critical voting blocks to which appeals must be made if one wishes electoral success. On the other hand, they are portrayed as immoral, foolish voters who seek diminished liberty and abolition of individual responsibility. It is a shame that what seems to be an overwhelming majority of those with a platform have been able to paint “women and independents” in such an unflattering manner.

I realize that it is necessary for political actors to create groups, formulate polls, and fabricate narratives in the interest of their candidates or causes. Are “women” a voting block? Are “independents” all of like mind? If so, how the hell are they “independent?” Can women also be independent and if they are, does that mean that all women and all independents are expected to vote the same way? Stupid question, you say? I agree, but then again, I am not the one pretending that “women and independents” are the way they are being portrayed.

Given the recent shaping of the news to deflect critical examination of President Obama’s successes (not failures, as evidenced by his disdain for his country), “women and independents” are taking center stage. What is so bad about the presentation of these all-important deciders of the future? Read the rest of this entry »

Catholics For Choice: Disgracefully Dishonest or Impertinent Imbeciles?

February 12, 2012

Catholics For Choice” is a positive-sounding name for an organization. Or, it would be if the word, “choice” had not been perverted by the left to the point where it is often a kinder/gentler synonym for “abortion.” So, the name doesn’t sound very positive once their meaning of the word “choice” is realized… assuming the audience is indeed a Catholic. (No, I do not fancy myself to be the arbiter of what is or is not a Catholic. I do, however, find it hard to imagine that one can practice a faith opposed to Catholicism and consider oneself to be Catholic.)

Given the Obama Administration’s most recent and extremely vicious assault on faith and individual morality, I wondered how the topic organization would be dealing with the matter. A cursory glance at the website of “Catholics For Choice” leaves no doubt that they are armed for this battle. It also leaves no doubt which colors they are wearing. I am not sure disappointment is the correct word to describe what one finds there, as any thinking person knows the premise upon which the group named itself. A Catholic visitor might be disappointed, but should not be surprised at what he reads.

Are the members of “Catholics For Choice” for “choice?” The answer to that question goes a long way toward answering the question posed in the title of this piece. Read the rest of this entry »

When will Catholics get the message? Never.

February 11, 2012

King Hussein (Barack Hussein Obama) had the support of Catholics in the 2008 election. Not that all of us supported him, of course, but apparently a majority of voting Catholics are ridiculously liberal in contrast with their supposed faith or simply don’t pay attention when voting. I can understand there being something of a struggle when voting for president, given the fact that neither party had a good choice for its nominee. That said, it is amazing that so many of the faithful would vote for the man who affirmatively argued against protecting the babies who were born alive following an attempted abortion (Yes, it is true, drones: http://www.jillstanek.com/archives/2008/02/links_to_barack.html). This could be largely due to King Hussein’s support from the very largest of SuperPAC’s: the press.

I have no confidence that most of those who voted for the would-be dictator last time would vote for the less evil alternative this time, but it does make for good headlines to pretend. You see, now Catholics, at least those who decided to align with the aspiring despot, are said to be upset with the logical and obvious outcome of their decision!

The preceding was written before our benevolent dictator’s grand “compromise” on the issue. Read the rest of this entry »

Personhood and the Trojan War

January 29, 2012

If I am a person, I must be a threat to Planned Parenthood's profits.

There is a serious threat to the Trojans! Not to mention the Durexes, Lifestyles, and the rest of the products available at condomman.com! What can it be, that could wipe out not only the condom market, but the entire birth control industry in one fell swoop? What has the power to exert such a forceful blow to the business of pregnancy prevention? Is it a pending natural disaster? Could it be that all the water supplies on Earth will be contaminated with Salt Peter?

What weapon has the capacity to destroy the birth control pill factories and alter the sexual behavior of human beings? It is the most dastardly, the most heinous… it is the Personhood Initiative! Aarghhh! Run for your (sex) lives!

Who knew the sweeping ramifications of legally recognizing the unborn as persons? If personhood movements are successful, one might never again be able to legally practice “common forms of birth control.” Ridiculous, you say? Not if you are the ” advocacy / political arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America” and you grasp for straws against any measure that may threaten your lucrative abortion mill bonanza! Read the rest of this entry »

TODAY! Ask Them What They Mean by “Choice” Day – Jill Stanek

January 22, 2012

TODAY! Ask Them What They Mean by “Choice” Day – Jill Stanek.

Today marks the 39th anniversary of the devastating Supreme Court over-reach “Roe v. Wade.” Activist judges decided that no state can protect the lives of the innocent… and the dregs of society rejoiced.

Today, the slaughter of the innocent is big business, subsidized by the taxpayer. Planned Parenthood profits from killing babies while receiving our tax dollars.

Organizations such as NARAL, Emily’s List, and NOW exist to ensure that the slaughter continues unabated. They support pro-abortion Democrats and would have a woman believe that the child growing in her womb is only a baby if she wants him or her… otherwise it is a tumor or a parasite.

The celebrants of slaughter take to the internet today with the Twitter hashtag, #tweet4choice to promote this heinous procedure and celebrate this calamitous decision. Those who respect innocent life can use the hashtag to express pro-life sentiments and give voice to those innocent victims.

Thank you, Jill Stanek, for organizing this answer to the culture of death.